Thursday, May 17, 2012

Although the spirit of donated kidneys has been very old age

People with advanced age or the elderly generally have been very busy keeping the stamina to keep it healthy. But a grandfather at 83 years old age still have a good kidney and spirit to donate a kidney to someone else.

At the age of 83 years, most people usually will be very grateful to still be able to get together with health and family. But not to Nicholas Crace, with good body condition he even donated his kidney at the age of 83 years.

Though not young anymore, Nicholas Crace (83 years) still has a noble soul to help others. Even with the age of 83 years, he has become the oldest person in the UK, even the world, who became a living donor kidney and give it to strangers.

Crace decided to become an altruistic donor and donate kidneys on a waiting list of patients who enter the NHS (National Health Service), which was previously unknown.

After investigation, it was found that Crace's body 43 years older to be a bone marrow donor and 13 years old to donate blood, although previously he had become a blood donor as much as 57 times.

But when he learned that his kidneys are still functioning well as 40-year-old man, he knew he should immediately give it away.

"I can not live with myself. I know that I have the opportunity to change someone's life. Provide a small part of me to others will make little difference in my life but the big difference for others. It was an easy decision," explains Nicholas Crace, who came from Overton, Hampshire, England, as reported by Dailymail, Friday (05/18/2012).

Crace underwent surgery at Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth, and back to biking and mowing the lawn a week later. And because Crace be altruistic donor (donor to a stranger), he will never know who is receiving kidney.

"The kidneys can live better and work faster. And an altruistic donor is a wonderful thing for us. Recipients get 'rent' new in his life," explains Sam Dutta consultant surgeon, who performed the surgery Crace.

Crace operation took three hours and the surgeon to congratulate him because of his kidneys in perfect condition.

There are several requirements to be a living donor, among others:

Age above 18 years
Mental and physical health
Tried to be the same blood group
Normal blood pressure
No diabetes
No cancer
Do not have a vascular disease
Not too fat
No abnormalities of kidney stones

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