Thursday, May 24, 2012

Deteksi Gejala Stroke Pada Perempuan

Stroke does not always strike the man, because not a few women who experience this. For that to know what the early symptoms that arise if the woman suffered a stroke.

Hazel K. Goddess Fund for Stroke Research in Women tells the woman's body physiologically different from men in many ways, therefore the prevention and treatment of stroke can affect women differently.

But most women do not realize or care about the risks associated with stroke. National Stroke Association, said about 40 percent of women surveyed claimed to know little or no idea at all the symptoms of stroke.

Known to many common symptoms that can occur in men and women. However, women are more likely to experience these warning signs are sudden, such as:

Chest pain
Face and limb pain
Shortness of breath
Heart palpitations
Weakness in general
Hiccup and nausea

Meanwhile there is also a risk factor that is exclusive to women using birth control drugs, pregnancy, hormone replacement therapy and high levels of triglycerides and excess abdominal fat.

"After menopause blood pressure and cholesterol levels increased to more quickly thus increasing the risk of stroke," said Jan Flewelling of the Methodist Neurological Institute, as quoted by FoxNews, Thursday (05/24/2012).

Women who have extra belly fat and high triglyceride levels 5 times more likely to suffer a stroke. In addition, if women have palpitations then it could be a sign of atrial fibrillation is a major cause of stroke.

Zachariah P. Zachariah, president and director of the Fort Lauderdale Heart Institute says people should learn to understand FAST because it could help determine whether someone has a stroke or not. FAST itself is:
A. Face, try to check the woman's face with a smile and asked him to see if there is one side that is lower than the other.
2. Ask, ask her to raise both hands and check if there is one arm of a position lower than the others.
3. Say, ask her to say something simple to see if her speech slurred or strange.
4. Time, if you see these signs then immediately to the hospital because time plays an important role in determining the success of stroke treatment.

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